WWE NXT is a professional wrestling television program produced by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) which debuted on Syfy on February 23, 2010. Described as a hybrid between reality television and WWE's scripted live event shows , the premise of the show follows select talent contracted to WWE's developmental territory Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW) in a competition to become WWE's next breakout star with the help of mentors from WWE's Raw and SmackDown brands. The show originally made its debut on Syfy in February 2010. Less than a month after its premiere, it was announced that WWE SmackDown would move from MyNetworkTV to Syfy in October. NXT aired its final episode on Syfy on September 28 to make way for SmackDown, and began airing as a webcast at WWE.com for visitors from the United States on October 5. Outside of the United States, the show is still televised.
Информация о фильме
Оригинальное название: WWE NXT 05.10.2011 Жанр: Wrestling Продолжительность: 00:45:30 Перевод: Русский Профессиональный (полное дублирование)